Technical guarantee quality, quality creates value, service satisfies users
The patented magnetic coupling sealing technology and the internal and external pressure self-balancing technology enable it to easily cope with a depth of 6,000 meters in various media, withstand a pressure of up to 60 MPa .
The introduction and use of a special new type of high-strength corrosion-resistant new material enables it to easily cope with media such as seawater, fresh water, sewage, weak alkali, weak acid, etc.
The patented magnetic coupling sealing technology with patent protection can easily cope with the problem of dynamic sealing at the shaft end, making the motor maintain zero leakage .
The use of special new materials reduces the iron loss heat generation of the motor to the minimum, prolongs the motor's life while ensuring the reliability of the motor.
Based on the principle of effective maximum magnetic circuit design in high-temperature environments, increase the power density while achieving a large ratio of diameter to length of the motor.
All series of motors give priority to the selection of various high-grade materials, such as 316L, 2205, PEEK, ceramics, etc., to ensure the tolerance strength and environmental adaptability of the motor. At the same time, the application of samarium-cobalt magnetic materials and specially treated high-temperature resistant enameled wires and high-temperature resistant insulating materials enables it towithstand an environmental temperature as high as 240℃